The Enemy of my Enemy is...?
"Walmart is evil." "Walmart is possibly aligned with the Anti-Christ." "Walmart=BAD." These are all things many of you have heard me utter, either under my breath or loudly to the public depending on my mood. As most of you know, I work for a competitor of the evil empire and, therefore, feel justified to attack without a moment's hesitation. Even before my employment with the "rebellion", I wrote extensively about the corruption of small town America and the demise of the individual through the systematic endeavors of the corporate power that is Bentonville, Arkansas. All this being said, I found an article on this afternoon very intriguing.
According to our friends at the liberal-leaning Atlanta-based news conglomerate, Walmart is firing a preemptive shot across the bow of the 2008 Democratic platform. Seems that Walmart doesn't like being attacked for its less than stellar track record as the nation's largest retail employer. I will let all of you read the article and come to your own conclusions, but I leave you, Republican and Democrat alike, to decide with whom to align.
According to our friends at the liberal-leaning Atlanta-based news conglomerate, Walmart is firing a preemptive shot across the bow of the 2008 Democratic platform. Seems that Walmart doesn't like being attacked for its less than stellar track record as the nation's largest retail employer. I will let all of you read the article and come to your own conclusions, but I leave you, Republican and Democrat alike, to decide with whom to align.
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