The Undecided Philosopher

The ideas and rants of a former philosopher and a present-day geek....Enjoy!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

You know your old when you outlive a planet...

I am not entirely sure why this news article disturbs me so much, but, as covered by CNN, the planet Pluto has been demoted. I have lived my entire life surrounded by the lie of nine planets. I have already started making plans to head home and destroy all the mobiles and posters of the solar system I can find. I will have rip all those "Pluto" pages out of the encyclopedia. And I haven't even begun to calculate the years of therapy this change will cost me. All kidding aside, today is one of those cool milestones in life that we can look back on when we are ninety sitting on the porch. I will be able to look over at the other old folks in matching rocking chairs and reminisce "You remember back when Pluto was a planet?"

I other local news, tonight is Food City Family Race Night in downtown Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia. If you even remotely like NASCAR racing, or you are simply a big fan of people watching, then I highly recommend joining the festivities. There will be food and games and lots of fun entertainment, not to mention dozens of race car drivers with inflated egos and metallic Sharpies. Bristol during the races - like a really nice zoo without all the fences.


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